Le Mort Original Painting
Le Mort Original Painting
Original Painting by Drea DaVinci (b. 1981)
Le Mort, 6/21/2016
Acrylic on Canvas.
Overall canvases: 48"H x 24"W x 1/2"D (121.92cm x 60.96cm X 1.27cm)
- Per canvas: 24"H x 12"W x 1/2"D ( 60.96 x 30.38cm X 1.27cm)
The Holy Grail, from which Christ is said to have drunk at the Last Supper, is what we all are searching for in some way, aren't we? The search for the Sangreal was the motif for much of the knight errantry of the Arthurian legends of the Round Table in Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. King Arthur, Queen Guinevere,the knights of the Round Table, and their quest for the mystical Holy Grail is one of the most legendary tales ever told. No adequate interpretation of the Holy Grail has ever been given to the Grail Mysteries. The quest for the Holy Grail is the eternal search for truth. The true nature of the Holy Grail is visible only to a certain state of spiritual consciousness. The search for the Holy Grail is the search for the real self which, when found, is the consummation of the magnum opus.